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The European project (also called #5SOSEUProject on Twitter or the Beside You project or the whatever-you-want project) was a massive fanaction who took place on the European leg of the Rock Out With Your Socks Out Tour. For this to happen correctly, we spread the project all over social medias, so fans could help us to achieve our aim.
The final goal of all of this was to show to the band that Europe is a beautiful continent, not "the rest of the world" as they say in their website.

This fanaction was a first in history, it was the first time a fan project happened during several shows, on a tour. All we did was raising signs, with only a word written on it. Each word was a part of a sentence so 5SOS got the whole message delivered word by word, every night.

It's been a massive success, as 5SOS saw it and chose to answer to it. Since we had so much fun doing it and since you, the fans, wanted to do the same again, we're back for this new tour, the Sounds Live Feels Live Tour! 

We hope this new project will please you as much as the previous one and we can't wait to see it coming to life!


Lots of Love,

The European Clique, also known as the Ingenious Sausages Xx


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